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Who Wins A Fight Between Trump And Kim Jong Un Time for your weekly edition of the Deadspin Funbag. Got something on your mind Email the Funbag. Today, were talking baseball, football, nut butters, and more. Your letters Bloodshark If Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un had a boxing match, which one dies of a heart attack firstMy Business Catalog CrackIssuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Kim is just 3. 3 years old. I know Trump has a good six or seven inch height advantage on Kim, but come on. Trump is 7. 1 and subsists on a diet of dumpster grease and fried animal skin. I watched Trump during the debates. Standing for any lengthy period of time is a real struggle for him. Thats why, when he gives speeches, he grabs the podium like its a walker. Kim is taking him out. Watch IKEA experts reorganize restyle homes across the country here Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Interesting and useful information for collectors of antique and collectable firearms and militaria. Questions answered, gun show listings, catalog, gun related software. Wondering how much crack filler youll need to get the job done right the first time Check out our new, easytouse Crack Filler CalculatorI dont care if Trump supposedly knocked Don Jr. Don Jr. is soft. It takes minimal dad strength to put him down. Im going with Kim in a 3 round TKO. By the way, I would pay real money to see this fight. At least three bucks. And Id pay even MORE for the weigh in. Oh hey, you want another unverified Trump rumorMy Business Catalog CrackHere it is Trump once pissed off American avocado farmers BIG CADO because he promised a foreign head of state that he would buy their avocados whether or not a president can just up and buy a bunch of avocados from another country is debatable. Anyway, what allegedly closed the deal for Trump was something like the following exchange TRUMP Are your avocados better than the Hass avocados HEAD OF STATE Yes. TRUMP Can you make guacamole with these avocadosHEAD OF STATE Yes. That was all it took. Deal done. No one tell Trump that you can make salsa from tomatoes. His mind would be blown. Joe Would you enjoy baseball more if it were three innings of baseball with nine out half innings as opposed to the current iteration I feel like the game would go by faster and there would be more offense. Boom Why arent I the commissioner No. No way. You dont want a half inning to last an hour. Pitchers would die. Small children would pass out from exhaustion in the stands. Ever sit through a long half inning, with six pitching changes and 1. Its torture for any neutral observer. And for the pitching team, it feels like youve been condemned to hell and that the half inning will literally never end. The longer any inning goes, the harder it gets to secure an out. So if you have to get NINE outs just to get to your turn at bat, the psychological toll on everyone involved would be disastrous. Theyd have to sprinkle stadium pretzels with powdered Xanax. Besides, baseball and football both benefit from downtime. They are sports designed for the American attention span. Im the kind of shithead who cherishes the opportunity to tweet about a cool play rather than watching the cool play itself. Its basically an illness at this point. So no, I dont want baseball being reformatted into inning megablocks. Keep it nice and choppy so that I always have an excuse to get up for beer. Jeff What is the hardest semi regular word to type correctly I seem to always struggle with balloon. For some reason my finger never wants to type that second o and I end up with ballon. I have very hard time with any word that has three vowels in a row andor multiple vowel pairings lieutenant, connoisseur, beautiful, etc. Fuck these words. They are not efficient words. Aircraft Propulsion Systems Technology And Design'>Aircraft Propulsion Systems Technology And Design. If you need three vowels to get the sound across, the word is flawed. YOU HEAR ME, FRANCE The next time a French person uses a hard consonant will be the first. Drooling is not a language, Pierre Also, if youre typing on a phone, the A will fuck you good. I have lets say generous sized fingertips. That means Im constantly hitting the SHIFT key instead of the A by accident and ending up spelling shit like f. Rt, and b. Lls. Annoying. Its probably not good for my health that an i. Phone keypad and autocorrect can team up to give me a conniption at least five times a day. Ryan Which item is most likely to be made out of necessity too much of an item, ingredient spoilage, etc. Personally, I have only ever made banana bread after extra bananas started to go bad. Probably anything to do with leftover bread French toast, bread crumbs, croutons, etc. Bike Racing Games Road Rash. You buy a fresh baguette and it takes exactly 1. So I like to cut it up into cubes so much work, then toss it in a pan with a shitload of butter, olive oil, salt, and parmesan. PRESTO, you got yourself a shitload of croutons. In theory, these could last a week. In reality, I eat half of them right there at the kitchen counter. Some of the greatest foods in human history were birthed from similar necessity. People smoked and spiced extra meat to keep it from spoiling. All good soups come from old bones and table scraps. You can even make bread soup, and its good. One time I made Cocoa Puff treats like Rice Krispies treats out of stale Cocoa Puffs, and they were awesome. No one else in the house touched them, but thats because theyre ignorant. I finished the whole pan to prove a point, dammit. I am always looking for ways to repurpose leftovers into something that isnt leftovers. Like fried rice. You can pretty much make fried rice out of any shit you got lying around old chicken, boring vegetables, human remains, ALL OF IT. Or a frittata A frittata is just an omelet with future garbage in it. Read Kitchen Confidential and you know that Sunday Brunch is basically cleaning day at your local trattoria. Transforming leftovers is the hallmark of a TRUE CHEF. Anon Recently, I was at a small music venue near my house and ran into my ex girlfriend from college. For some background we broke up over eight years ago right after we graduated and havent really been in contact since. Maybe seen each other twice in that time span and not for 4 5 years. She lives in a different state and we are not involved in each others lives at this point. After the initial shock of seeing her wore off, we said hellos and chatted for a few minutes and I was ready to move on. I was at the venue with my current girlfriend and not really interested in hanging out with ex. The ex was upset with what she perceived as a brush off by me and expected to hang out with usme longer. My question is should I feel obligated to hang out with her at the venueIf it makes a difference she dumped me way back when. Thats ridiculous. What are you gonna do, hang out the whole night With your current girlfriend right there Fuck that. I say its rude for your ex to even show up She should have to leave the venue. Im all for amicable splits, but if you havent spoken in ages, youre not obligated to stand there and spark up some revitalized, platonic version of your previous relationship. Youre not a bad person if you just want to cut it off entirely, forever. Thats your choice as a free citizen. And if that miffs her, who gives a shit Whats she gonna do, continue to no longer have sex with you Youre not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore. Youre not anything. Thats always a nice feeling, when youve achieved genuine closure on an old relationship and you can pull the power move of being like, I have no obligation to you of any kind anymore. Its empowering. The entire Kelly Clarkson discography is based on that moment. Savor it, baby. Next time your ex steps to you at a concert, blow smoke in her face and say, Didnt you hear the news ITS OVER, HONEY. Thats the classy move. Aieee 2012 Solved Question Papers Pdf here. Kevin Is Nutella good Of course it is. Its so good that Nutella has so far been undamaged by BIG NUT BUTTERs attempts to eat into its market share. Essay Writing Service Essay. Erudite. com Custom Writing. 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