Caseware Accounting Software

FAQs Read Brochure. Watch Video Inflo Software. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to get in touch. However, to make things easier for you, weve listed some of the most frequently asked questions below Do I need a data analyst team to use Inflo No. There is no need to recruit data analysts to be able to use Inflo. Our system automates data acquisition, manipulation and analysis processes which have previously been performed manually by data analysts. If your client needs any assistance providing data they contact our support team directly for help. Audit/16_00/en/Content/images/CPEM_Documents_Update2.png' alt='Caseware Accounting Software' title='Caseware Accounting Software' />Weve been through the coop process and we know that the job description doesnt always match up with what youll actually be doing. On top of this, every employer. The Financial Statements allows the user to display a draft watermark on their accounts. This is a default setting. Procedure Step 1 From the ribbon, select Home. What accounting systems does Inflo support Every accounting system. We use a range of techniques to perform the extraction process, some automated, some more manual. We put the power in the clients hands to choose the method that is easiest for them and Inflo deals with the rest. Your experience is the same every time, with Inflo providing you with consistent data with validation and completeness checks performed. We are proud of our record of successfully extracting the required data from 1. Does Inflo replace my documentation software No. Inflo sits between your documentation software e. Today%E2%80%99s+Audit+Software.jpg' alt='Caseware Accounting Software Tutorial' title='Caseware Accounting Software Tutorial' />CaseWare AccountsAdvanced allows you to produce accurate, compliant financial reporting for FRS 101, FRS 102 and FRS 105. Welcome to CaseWare Working Papers. CaseWare Working Papers help includes both reference and stepbystep information. View our Getting Started Guide, use the main. CaseWare is the global leader and provider of auditing and financial software. With over 13 000 users in South Africa, it is used by accounting and auditing. Computer programs designed to assist in examining and testing clients accounting records. Different audit software packages accomplish varying objectives. Case. Ware and the clients accounting package to facilitate an engagement. Inflo prepares output reports for your team to export from Inflo and attach to the relevant area of your documentation software. Inflo is compatible with all documentation software and all methodologies. How does Inflo save time from auditsInflo saves time by automating processes which are currently performed manually and by helping teams work smarter. Time is saved from processes which are improved when the risk of human error is removed, e. The deadline management and flexibility of Inflo removes inefficiencies, such as on site client delays, and allows more work to be performed off site. This means less travel time and associated costs are incurred and the time on client site is more valuable. What security is in place over the Inflo site Inflo is hosted on the Azure Cloud Platform and Azure Cloud Services which have acquired the ISO 2. ISO 2. 70. 18 and ISO 2. Image?eid=ka60J000000Ckcn&feoid=00N20000009Ji6k&refid=0EM0J000000ydSs' alt='Caseware Accounting Software' title='Caseware Accounting Software' />The website has a custom domain with a dedicated Extended Validation EV Secure Socket Layer SSL Certificate. All web requests are forced to use the Hypertext Transport Protocol over SSL HTTPS to encrypt the data between the web browser and the web server. This means all data is 2. AES encrypted. How are files stored and secured The file storage system is hosted on Azure Blob Storage which has also acquired the ISO 2. Within file storage, files are encrypted using Azure Storage Service Encryption SSE for Data at Rest which helps protect and safeguard data to meet our organisational security and compliance commitments. With this feature, Azure Storage automatically encrypts data prior to persisting to storage and decrypts prior to retrieval. All data in file storage is encrypted using 2. AES encryption, one of the strongest block ciphers available. Will Inflo comply with the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR We take data protection very seriously. Inflo is compliant with ISO 2. Were also pleased to see harmonisation of regulations to strengthen and unify data protection across the EU and we will be fully GDPR compliant well in advance of the new regulations coming into place in Europe on 2. May 2. 01. 8. Are my clients ready for Inflo Our experience is that clients want to collaborate more effectively with their advisors. Our system is flexible to account for different client needs. At the simplest end, the clients involvement can be less than 1. At the more sophisticated end they can analyse their own versions of Inflo outputs with your comments attached. The number of clients requesting additional services from their accountants to receive the Inflo outputs more routinely suggests that your clients will be ready. Does my firm require training Not necessarily. Inflo is designed to be intuitive and we have built guidance and tutorials into the system to help your team quickly master Inflo. We also provide videos to help support new users in getting started. Windows 8 Activator Loader V1 7 9 All Versions'>Windows 8 Activator Loader V1 7 9 All Versions. Arma 2 Combined Operations 2012 Pc Games here. We find some firms do want to hold classroom training so the team can discuss how to take full advantage of Inflo. Our classroom training sessions are typically 3 hours of practical walkthroughs on laptops, with more focused and strategic training also available for Partner groups. Does my client require training No. The inbuilt guidance and tutorials provide sufficient support for client contacts to use the system, so no level of additional training is needed. Can I use Inflo for any accounting engagement Yes. Inflo is used by accounting firms to perform many different kinds of engagements, including accounts preparation, audits, forensic investigations, tax compliance, M A transactions and broader consultancy work. The flexibility of our solution allows accountants to use only the Modules or functionality relevant to any particular engagement. Where does Inflo store dataFor UK firms, all data and files are held in Microsoft Azures North Europe secure data centers located in Ireland. These servers are replicated and backed up in Microsoft Azures West Europe data centers located in The Netherlands. This means all data and files are held and stored in compliance with European data protection directives, laws and regulations. For overseas firms, all data and files are held and stored in compliance with local data protection directives, laws and regulations that are in force in that region. Full instances of our software environments are setup and localized to that Azure region, meaning all data stored, interrogated and backed up will remain within that region. Our backup policies of data are Geo replicated between sister regions e. Germany Central with Germany Northeast to ensure data does not leave the region and abides to local regulations. More information on these regions can be found at https azure.